The CCP Approach

At Chicago Concierge Pediatrics, we believe in the power of relationship-based healthcare. Across our membership community, we are able to build intimate, trusting relationships with each of our patients and patient families from the very first day of membership. 

Our goal is to help alleviate the stress and anxiety of keeping your child healthy so that you can focus on being the best parent you can be. Dr. Courtney Weems has elected to practice home-based healthcare since 2013 due to her belief that administering pediatric care to patients in their own home fosters comfort, trust and efficacy in preventative medicine. 

No more triggering waiting rooms or sterile environments, we always come to you! We work closely with you, the parents of our patients, to tailor a plan specific to your child’s needs. Setting this foundation early in your child’s development begins the healthy path to adulthood.

Your care team at Chicago Concierge Pediatrics should feel like an extension of your family. Our goal is to provide peace of mind as you navigate the challenges of parenting and ensure that you never feel alone in keeping your little ones healthy.